Friday, December 9, 2016



Developing an Economic System that can give a Blind Person Basic Spatial
Awareness and Object Identification.

Debargha Ganguly

You can find the latest update of the research paper here : ( HERE )
You can find the published research paper here : (  HERE )
You can download the paper from this link : ( HERE )


BATEYE fundamentally uses an ultrasonic
sensor mounted on to a wearable pair of glasses
that measures the distance to the nearest object and
relays it to an Arduino board. The Arduino board
then processes the measurements and then plays a
tone (150-15000Hz) for the respective distance
(2cm to 4m) till the data from the second ultrasonic
pulse (distance) comes in, and then the same
process gets repeated. This cycle is repeated almost
every 5 milliseconds. The person hears sound that
changes according to the distance to the nearest
object. The head provides a 195-degree swivel
angle and the ultrasonic sensor detects anything
within a 15-degree angle. Using systematic,
cognitive and computational approach of
neuroscience, with the hypothesis that the usage of
the occipital lobe of blind people goes into
processing other sensory feedback., and using the
brain as a computational unit, the machine relies
on the brain processing the tone produced every 14
mS to its corresponding distance and producing a
soundscape corresponding to the tones and the
body navigating using the same. During
experimentation, the test subject could detect
obstacles as far away as 2 – 3m, with horizontal or
vertical movements of the head the blindfolded test
subject could understand the basic shape of objects
without touching them, and the basic nature of the

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Project Basics is established by Debargha Ganguly ,as a concerned effort to improve the basic standard of living of people of developing and underdeveloped countries.

Initially it aims at helping the people with disabilites, people who are blind and people with speech disabilities, and eventually try to solve global problems realistically.
Most of the code or research done will be published on this thread as an effort to raise global awareness, and so that multiple people can contribute towards this cause.

About me- 

I am Debargha Ganguly, a senior in high school, living in Mumbai, India.
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